Building a Healthy Home

Many homeowners out there are looking for ways to create and build a healthy home. It is without a doubt that while improving our health is a concern, we tend to put the spotlight on diet, exercise, and sleep habits. But as we spend most of our day's in our home so we should try to figure out ways to improve the atmosphere of our living spaces.

You can try and filter out pollutants, purify the air by adding a touch of green and swapping out dirty rags.  The topic is a broad one, but some definite and easy ways to guarantee to increase your living space air quality without much hassle. Are you feeling intrigued? Let's explore some ingenious ways to improve the atmosphere of our living spaces.

Keep The Fresh Air In

If you're allergic to mold and other airborne allergens, you should seek out ways to eradicate these pollutants and keep the fresh air inside. Because there are so many building materials inside our home, the indoor air quality can be compromised. Chemicals like bleach, ammonia, glues, and adhesives are used in various building materials. These can factor in to reduce the air quality of your home.

To combat this, you need a proper air barrier, and this is only possible with a properly sealed home. The HVAC system must be adequately designed to maintain appropriate humidity levels to filter out allergens, toxins, and other pollutants. Besides keeping the humidity at an optimal level, you should keep an eye on plumbing or roof leaks to avoid mold growth as it can cause severe allergies.

Keeping Food Fresh

Healthy food is only possible if you have a good refrigerator. We recommend a well-ventilated dry food and vegetable storage area. Your refrigerator should be able to keep the freshness of stored food for up to a week or longer.

Water To Drink & Bathe

Drinking plenty of fresh water will keep you hydrated, but it will also protect your stomach from a plethora of health complications. Did you know most of the municipal water is disinfected with chlorine, which is a known carcinogen? And the only solution is to plumb a water softener in your home. Install reverse osmosis to all drinking faucets in your home. Even the water with which we bath should be free from toxins and pollutants. So, excellent water filtration is a sure way towards healthy and happier living.

Live With Plants

We are a part of nature, and the best way to stay healthy is to live close to it. Plants not only help reduce stress, but they also filter your air since they absorb CO2.  You can use fragrant and low-maintenance plants to give your home a refreshing feel.

For more information on designing a custom healthy home, contact Grayson Homes.  Call 919-578-6222.


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