Is A Custom Home Right For You?

Buying a home is not a frequent occurrence for most of us.  If you're planning on purchasing a new home, make sure to get the design to suit your needs for at least the next 4-5 years.

While existing homes are the majority of choices available on the market, the trend of custom homes being more affordable has revolutionized the home buying experience. If you're not yet aware of custom homes, read the article below.

What Do We Mean By Custom Home?

Like customized shopping, custom homes are uniquely designed and built per the wishes of the individual client. The builder works in close coordination with the client to bring the client's idea into a reality. Everything, including the floor plan, home design, and interiors, is constructed according to the demands of the individual buyer's wishlist.

What Are Spec Homes?

Spec Homes are the traditional buying method where the builder decides and builds as per his opinion and best understanding of the local area. Builders do keep in mind the kind of client and family type before building, but there is not much of an opinion consideration for the client himself.  These homes are designed and built for a particular demographic and not individual clients. Spec homes are often finished before they are sold.

So basically, the choice is to either get your dream house turned into reality or rely on the expertise of the builder and accept his ideas for your home.

The Pros of a Custom Home

For retired couples or people seeking a home to start a family life, custom homes are the best choice. Your priorities rule. You can get a specially designed kids' room, a bigger garden, a gym, a swimming pool - whatever you want to meet your needs and desires.

However, if you're looking for a temporary abode (less than five years), then spec homes are the better choice.  In a case where you're in a rush to move, you can get an already built spec home quickly instead of spending months designing and getting your dream house built.

Cost Consideration for a Custom Home

For a custom home, connect with a reliable builder and get cost estimates per your requirements. Settling on a budget in the initial phase is always the best way to avoid confusion later.  This way, you can plan and get the amenities you wish. Plan to have a contingency fund that can cover unexpected issues.  In case the budget shoots up, you can either adjust the requirements list or use the contingency funds.  If you don't have to use the extra funds during construction, you can upgrade some decor items. Overall, you're the boss deciding your terms.

Semi-Custom Homes- The Right Mix

If you're not interested in getting involved in the technicalities of the floor plan and the mapping but only want customized interiors or minor add-ons, you can get a semi-custom home. The builder may use floor plans from his portfolio and consider your needs and desires for the rest.

Are you impressed by the versatility of purchase with a custom home? Get your home designs and quotes from Grayson Homes. Call 919-578-6222 for an appointment.


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