Energy Saving Tips To Keep In Mind As You Move Into A New Home

Everyone loves the fresh scent and aura that accompanies a new home. It feels like 'finally we are here!' and that's a great emotion and achievement. A new home comes with its fair share of new responsibilities, and of course, things to adjust to and learn. Moving into a new home is a great time to pick up some new habits to keep those energy bills down and practice good energy-saving routines.

Environmentally Friendly Practices

Environmentally friendly practices will help you save money and energy, but more importantly, you'll also contribute to making your new community a better place. If you're unsure where to begin, here are some of the best energy-saving tips.

Turn Off the Lights

When not in use, turn off lights. This practice helps you save in two ways; first, you don't have to replace your light bulbs as often, and secondly, you'll save money on your electric bills. If you have a hard time making this a habit, technology can help. Light switches with built-in motion sensors or timers can control when lights are on and off. And with programmable light bulbs installed, turning them on and off can be done with a phone app.

Use Manufacturers’ Appliance Settings

Your refrigerator came with a manual that contains the recommended compartment temperatures. Colder is not always better. Lower temperatures do not preserve food for a more extended period. Keeping the compartment temperatures lower than recommended only uses more energy which translates into higher energy bills.

Use Natural Light

Aside from throwing open the window blinds to allow natural light in, hanging mirrors is a simple way to brighten up dark rooms. Using reflective items in a room helps bounce light around the room without using electricity, making the room brighter without using more electricity.

Use Advanced Power Strips

Your electronic devices can be idle and still consume energy. To avoid this, you should use energy-saving power strips as they'll prevent your electronics from drawing power when they are inactive.

Save The Dishes For Later

If you find that your water bills are higher, try running your dishwasher at night when it's a full load. This simple practice can also help keep your kitchen cooler.

Check Your Air Filters

Do you know that your HVAC system will work harder if the air filters are dirty? Obstructed airflow will cause the system to run longer than necessary. Clean or replace the air filters often, and you'll notice the difference. Clean air filters also improve the air quality in your home.

Grayson Homes

As you move into a new home, keep in mind these environmentally friendly practices by conserving water, consuming less energy, and adhering to other energy-saving methods. You'll be saving money and helping the environment. Grayson Homes is a leader in designing and building energy-efficient homes. Call us at 919-578-6222 and see what we can do for you.


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