Warm Weather Maintenance Tips

The weather is warming up outside, signaling the onset of summer. It's time to make sure that things are ready inside your home for the hot days ahead. We all want to maintain a comfortable temperature indoors. Though we can't change the weather in summers, we can avoid many headaches by preparing with warm weather maintenance tips. By undertaking necessary home maintenance, you can make your home ready for anything the summer brings.

Warm Weather Home Maintenance Checklist

Service your HVAC

Prepare your HVAC to run efficiently for long hot days ahead. Inspect the HVAC unit and schedule service in spring or early summer. Clean or change the air filters and check if cool air flows from the vents when the temperature is turned down. If you hear anything strange while the unit is running, call in an HVAC professional.

Check the Roof

We all love those summer showers, but they're hard on the roof. So, head up the ladder and take a look at the roof. Are there any missing or damaged shingles? Check the flashing around the vent pipes and chimney - these are points where water can leak into the house. Safety comes first, so if you're shaky about getting on the roof, hire a roofing professional for the inspection.

Clean Downspouts

Clean the gutters and downspouts. Get rid of any debris and make sure they drain water as quickly as possible because you don't want water backing up. Use the hose to run water in the gutters and downspouts or go outside and observe them when it's raining. Water should run freely through the downspouts and not overspill the gutters. If there are any issues, check for debris clogs and remove them.

Check the Trees

Make sure your yard is all ready for the summer fun. Walk through the yard and take a good look at the trees. Look for broken or dead limbs that can fall on windy evenings. If any trees are dying, have them removed before they come down during a summer storm.

Check Outdoor Plumbing and Sprinkler Systems

Visually check your outdoor faucets for cracks or leaks. Test the sprinkler system and the outside faucets. A properly working sprinkling system is crucial for healthy, dense grass in your yard.

Let Fresh Air In

With the interior trapping moisture during winters, now is the time to open up. Open all of your windows and get rid of stagnant air from the house. Do this before it gets too hot and humid.

Warm Weather Pests

Prepare to deal with ants, spiders, and other creepy pests that may show up for the summer. Seal up openings and space between pipes, conduits in your home. Have a good look outside the house for any holes or cracks and seal them up. Prevent mosquito infestation by removing stagnant water in empty flower pots and other places in your yard. Call a certified pest control company to treat your yard.

Make a List

With summer around the corner, there's a whole lot of fun coming. But you can enjoy it only if you prepare your home. There are plenty of things you need to do to keep your home in good shape. Keep yourself organized by making a list of all the chores. With a list, nothing gets missed and confirms what has been completed.

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