Do You Want A Gas Or Wood Burning Fireplace?

Suppose you are currently beginning the process of building a home with a custom home construction company. Let's say you have a fireplace on your list of desirable features for a living room, bedroom, or maybe both. The big question to ask is if you want a gas or a wood-burning fireplace. We will discuss the pros and cons of both below. The deciding factor may be how much trouble you are willing to go through for your fireplace. We will break down the factors to consider into appearance, convenience, cost, cleaning and maintenance, and efficiency.

Custom Home Construction: Fireplaces


If choosing between gas and a wood-burning fireplace, your choice will be dependent on the aesthetic desired. A wood-burning fireplace has a rustic feel and will add that fireplace smell to the home. Gas fireplaces can look more sleek and modern. There is the choice of having ceramic logs, rocks, or even crystals to add to the aesthetic of the gas fireplace.


When looking for a fireplace that you can easily operate, gas wins. There are no ashes to be kept, flue to be primed, and no need to collect and strategically place firewood to get a fire blazing. Starting a gas fireplace is simple. Just check for debris and open the damper. Turn on the ignition, or open the gas valve and light the pilot with a small flame. Your fire is going!

Cost - Initial & Fuel

A gas fireplace will increase your monthly gas bill, but natural gas is relatively inexpensive. It also costs less for installation. On the other hand, a wood-burning fireplace is more expensive to construct. In addition, it will cost you more to operate in the long run, as firewood can cost several hundred dollars a cord.

Cleaning & Maintenance

Gas fireplaces win this category too. Their maintenance is much easier than a wood-burning fireplace. Wood burning requires you to clean out soot, remove ashes and unburnt logs. Then, at winter's end, you need the chimney cleaned and inspected by a professional. Gas only needs to have the vent pipe inspected each year to check for the buildup of debris.

Efficiency Is Everything

Sorry, wood-burning fireplaces. Gas fireplaces are the more efficient for heating. Traditional wood-burning fireplaces have a 10%-15% heat efficiency rating compared to a 50%-90% for gas fireplaces.

Grayson Homes

A fireplace on a crisp fall evening or around the holidays is a perfect addition. So, if you are beginning the process of custom home construction, take some time to consider which of the above factors are the most important to you before deciding which beautiful fireplace belongs in your home. Still not sure? Grayson Homes can help with the decision. Call us at 919-578-6222.


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